iPhone7plus panel repair
It’s cold today!
Time flies! Considering we have only 1 month left( ゚Д゚)
If you have anything to do within this year, let’s do that
Well, We had one customer from Shiogama Miyagi because he dropped iPhone7plus.
It’s been only 3 months since he bought it…
He was really depressed.
The series of plus have big screens and show clear movies. Because of its size, a lot of people drops them.
Let’s check how it was damaged.
It has cracks all over the phone.
Especially the right up part is considerably cracked, because that part was hit to the ground.
Under this situation, it’s hard to see the image and you he may hurt when he operate the phone.
Then let’s change the screens!
Done! Here is the photo of after repair!(^^)!
Well done! Looks nice!
Now he has no worries about being hurt when operating it and the image is so clear!
The customer was so happy to have it back(#^.^#)
He asked how he can prevent breaking the screen.
Then I recommended our strongthening film♬
This film moderates the shock when it is dropped so it makes the screen stronger!
Eventhough it is hit by a hammer, the screen became hardly broken. When changing screens, I would like you to stick it to your phone.
Of course our staff can help to stick it to your phone if you are not good at doing it.
If you considering reapair your phone, please compare the fees with other shops around our shop.
There are au, docomo, softbank, and Applestore around us.
We are waiting your contact♬
That’s it! SMAPPLE Sendai branch!
Store Name: SMAPPLE Sendai
Address:1-6-27 5F Sensin Bld., Chuo ,
Aoba-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi,
980-0021, Japan
Phone Number:022-397-9028
店舗名 | スマップル仙台店 |
営業時間 | 11:00 ~ 20:00 |
TEL | 022-397-9028 |
住所 | 〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央1-6-27 仙信ビル5F |
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