Please come and visit us SMAPPLE!!
It’s an iPhone repair shop SMAPPLE Sendai branch.
I know it’s all of sudden, but is your iPhone battery OK?
It’s not clear with “Are you OK?” So I’d like to show you the symptoms of a dead battery.
①A full battery can’t last one day!! Exclude the case of playing game or watching movie.
②Eventhough you charge the battery 100%, it gets less than 50% after a while.
③It blackouts although the indicator shows more than 50% left.
④It doesn’t charge eventhough your iPhone is connected to the charger.
⑤The screen is flown by the swollen battery.
⑥It doesn’t proceed from the Apple mark.
⑦It can’t be turned on with a charger.
What do you think? The reasons of ① to ⑦ are dying batteries.
If your case applies to one of them, you better change batteries.
In our shop, we can change batteries of iPhone4~iPhone7plus. In addition, it takes only 15min.
Won’t be long! Please rely on us! It’s better than doing it by yourself.
We’ve seen a lot of customers whose phones become out of service after changing the batteries by themselves.
We had a customer yesterday who had changed the batteries by himself. Now his phone doesn’t work at all.
The cable of the screen was cut when I checked inside. Besides, he cut the cable of home buttom too. It cost much more than repair fee of our shop.
A lot of people say it is easy to change batteries on the Web, but please don’t dissolute your iPhone.
Just come and visit us!
Sometimes we see swollen batteries. The swollen battey is really dangerous. This is a phone of a swollen iPhone6.
Can you see? The screen is pushed up!!
The battery is fully swollen!
If you leave it as is, it will push the screen up and press the electric board. Then iPhone will break in the end.
If you feel the screen is flown, please come and change the batteries immediately!!
Store Name: SMAPPLE Sendai
Address:1-6-27 5F Sensin Bld., Chuo ,
Aoba-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi,
980-0021, Japan
Phone Number:022-397-9028
店舗名 | スマップル仙台店 |
営業時間 | 11:00 ~ 20:00 |
TEL | 022-397-9028 |
住所 | 〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央1-6-27 仙信ビル5F |
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