【iPhone7】The camera lens is broken into pieces( ノД`)
Hello! Everybody subscribing our blogs(^^)/
It’s a repair shop SMAPPLE Sendai branch for iPhone, iPad, and 3DS!
It’s got cold since this week.
Maybe, autumn has gone(´;ω;`)
Winter is coming but I don’t hate it.
I rather like it! LOL
Take care of your self! It is easy to get cold(>_<)
Well, we had one customer from Osaki Miyagi due to an iPhone7 lens.
When he dropped it, only the lens was broken((+_+))
We can’t take beautiful photos with a broken lens(´;ω;`)
Let’s check how badly it broke!
The center part is broken into pieces and it had lack of black part
around the center( ゚Д゚)
Under this situation, he has to have other things in a photo around
the lens when he take a photo.
Want to have it repair right now!
We grant these wishes here in SMAPPLE Sendai branch♬
Let’s have it repair then(^^)/
Here is the photo of after repaired★
It became like the phone as it was!!
I cleaned the part aroud the camera because it was dirty a bit(^^♪
We do it for free of course♬
The customer was so happy with our services(‘’ω’’)ノ
It takes about 30min!
If your camera stops to working on your tripΣ(゚д゚lll)
Please call us right away!
I showed the work of a camera lens repair, but we also change the
cameras themselves♬
It is possible to repair both a front camera and back camera(#^^#)
We can return them within the same day. If you need it immediately,
plese come and visit us☆
In case you are worried about the fees, please compare them with these
of au, docomo, softbank, and Apple store around our shop(^^)/
We always wait for your call!!
Again we are SMAPPLE Sendai branch(^_-)-☆
店舗名 | スマップル仙台店 |
営業時間 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 |
TEL | 022-397-9028 |
住所 | 〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央1-6-27 仙信ビル5F |
電気通信事業法:T000092 / 電波法:R000092
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