Sendai Miyagi iPhone repair
It’s SMAPPLE Sendai branch for iPhone repair! (”ω”)ノ
This morning, we had iPhone5s repir. I will talk about it.
The customer from Tomiya city.
He dropped his iPhone from stairs last night. Then the phone’s panel turn into light green and had vertical lines.
Here is the iPhone5s!
What do you think?
It has cracks in the up right part of the glass when it hit the ground. Now the panel leaks liquid and have strange color.
Considering this damage, touch failures may happen now.
Once touch failures happen, iPhone may be out of order. ・・・><
※If you initialize the phone, you can use it.
He was so worried because he didn’t backup the data.
I started repair righ away.
It took 30min. I kept the iPhone for 30min.
30min later.
How about this!!^^
It seems a brand new iPhone5s! Look at the panel!
He was so happy and satisfied with it(#^^#) He had no anxiety.
Does your iPhone have any cracks in the screen?
Any black stains, vertical lines or unfamiliar colors in the panel?
It may need immediate repair!
Before too late, pleae come and have us repair your iPhone if your phone has such symptoms!!^^
We SMAPPLE Sendai branch can change panels, batteries, charging outlets, speakers, and cameras anything!^^
Please consult with us about other cases than panel failures!(^^♪
We are waiting for your call and visit! by all staff of SMAPPLE Sendai branch!(#^^#)
Directions from Sendai sta.
Walk for PARCO from the Chuo exit of Sendai Sta.
After you reach PARCO, face the shopping mall.
While approaching the shopping mall, you will see the escalator. Take the escalator and go down.
After that, do not enter the shopping mall and walk pass by it
Go straight and hit Hirose Dori Ave. at the first traffic lights.
Do not cross the intersection of the lights, and walk straight alogn highwaybus terminal center.
After a while, You will see Morino Miyako Shinyo Kinko. Our building is next to it. It’s red brown. It’s on the 5th floor of Senshin building.
Maybe you can see a sign and flags as a landmark on the street.
We repair iPhone in Sendai city.
We can repair iPhone which is broken
during the trip for 15 to 60 minutes.
We deal with Glass Replacement, LCD
Replacement,and Water Damage Repair
and return your device on the same day.
Please call us.
Store Name: SMAPPLE Sendai
Address:1-6-27 5F Sensin Bld., Chuo ,
Aoba-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi,
980-0021, Japan
Phone Number:022-397-9028
店舗名 | スマップル仙台店 |
営業時間 | 11:00 ~ 20:00 |
TEL | 022-397-9028 |
住所 | 〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央1-6-27 仙信ビル5F |
皆さんこんにちは!スマップル仙台店です(*^^*) 突然ですが、皆さんは年末年始何をして過ごす予定でしょうか? 羽根つきや餅つき、かるたなどでしょうか?こんなこと今の小学生には通じもしないかもしれませんが(;^_^A 私 …投稿日:2024-12-12Switchが真っ青に⁉ブルースクリーンの修理ならスマップル仙台店におまかせ❣
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